Reference GuideTop-Level Commands

Top-level commands

Theorem <NAME> : <FORMULA>.

Starts proof development with the given formula as the goal.


Exits from Adelfa.

Specification <QUOTED FILENAME>

Reads in the specification indicated by the given filename.

Schema <ID> := {w x ...}(y:A,z:B ...); ....

Defines a context schema associated with <ID>. For example:

Schema c := {T:o}(x: tm, d: of x T);
            (x:tm, t:tp, d: of x t).


Sets the value of options during proof development. It may be used at the top level or inside theorem construction. The options are currently:

  • search_depth The maximum number of times to perform type decomposition on assumption judgements during the search and assert tactics. By default, this is set to 5.