Admissibility of cut for simple intuitionistic sequent calculus
proptm : type.
top : proptm.
imp : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}proptm.
and : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}proptm.
hyp : {A:proptm} type.
conc : {C:proptm} type.
init : {A:proptm}{D:hyp A}conc A.
topR : conc top.
andL : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}{C:proptm}{D1:{x:hyp A}{y:hyp B}conc C}
{D2:hyp (and A B)} conc C.
andR : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}{D1:conc A}{D2:conc B}
conc (and A B).
impL : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}{C:proptm}{D1:conc A}{D2:{x:hyp B}conc C}
{D3:hyp (imp A B)}conc C.
impR : {A:proptm}{B:proptm}{D:{x:hyp A}conc B}
conc (imp A B).
Specification "cut.lf".
Schema c :=
{A}(x:hyp A).
Theorem imp_inv : ctx G:c, forall A B D,
{G |- D : conc (imp A B)} =>
exists D':o -> o, {G |- [x] D' x : {x:hyp A}conc B}.
induction on 1. intros. case H1(keep).
%case 1: impR
exists D1. search.
%case 2: impL
apply IH to H6 with (G = G,n:hyp B1), A = A, B = B, D = D2 n.
exists ([x] impL A1 B1 B D1 ([y] D' y x) D3).
case H4(keep). weaken H2 with (hyp A). weaken H3 with (hyp A).
weaken H10 with (hyp A). weaken H5 with (hyp A).
ctxpermute H8 to G, n1:hyp A, n:hyp B1. weaken H7 with (hyp A).
%case 3: andL
apply IH to H5 with (G = G, n:hyp A1, n1:hyp B1).
ctxpermute H7 to G, n2:hyp A, n:hyp A1, n1:hyp B1.
exists ([x] andL A1 B1 B ([y][z] D' z y x) D2).
case H4(keep). weaken H2 with (hyp A). weaken H3 with (hyp A). weaken H6 with (hyp A).
weaken H10 with (hyp A).
%case 4: init
case H3.
exists ([x] impL (A n) (B n) (B n) (init (A n) x) ([y] init (B n) y) n).
case H2(keep). weaken H4 with (hyp (A n)). weaken H5 with (hyp (A n)).
weaken H7 with (hyp (B n)).
Theorem and_inv : ctx G:c, forall A B D,
{G |- D : conc (and A B)} =>
exists D1 D2, {G |- D1 : conc A} /\ {G |- D2 : conc B}.
induction on 1. intros. case H1(keep).
%case 1: impL
apply IH to H6 with (G = G, n:hyp B1), A = A, B = B, D = D2 n.
case H8.
exists impL A1 B1 A D1 ([y] D4 y) D3.
exists impL A1 B1 B D1 ([y] D5 y) D3.
%case 1.1: left (A)
case H4(keep). search.
%case 1.2: right (B)
case H4(keep). search.
%case 2: andR
exists D1. exists D2. split. search. search.
%case 3: andL
apply IH to H5 with (G = G, n:hyp A1, n1:hyp B1), A = A, B = B, D = (D1 n n1).
case H7.
exists (andL A1 B1 A ([x][y] D3 y x) D2).
exists (andL A1 B1 B ([x][y] D4 y x) D2).
%case 3.1: left(A)
case H4(keep). search.
%case 3.2: right(B)
case H4(keep). search.
%case 4: init
case H3. case H2.
exists (andL (A n) (B n) (A n) ([x][y] init (A n) x) n).
exists (andL (A n) (B n) (B n) ([x][y] init (B n) y) n).
%case 4.1: left((A n))
weaken H4 with (hyp (A n)). weaken H5 with (hyp (A n)). weaken H6 with (hyp (B n)). search.
%case 4.2: right((B n))
weaken H5 with (hyp (A n)). weaken H6 with (hyp (B n)). search.
Theorem cut : ctx G:c, forall A B D1 D2: o -> o,
{A : proptm} => {G |- D1 : conc A} => {G |- [x] D2 x : {x:hyp A} conc B} =>
exists D3, {G |- D3 : conc B}.
induction on 1. induction on 3. intros.
case H3(keep).
%case 1: impR
ctxpermute H6 to G, n1:hyp B1, n:hyp A.
strengthen H4. strengthen H5. weaken H2 with (hyp B1).
apply IH1 to H1 H10 H7 with (G = G, n2:hyp B1), A = A, B = B2, D1 = D1, D2 = ([x]D x n2).
exists (impR B1 B2 ([x:o] D3 x n1 n)). search.
%case 2: impL
case H9(keep).
%case 2.1: essential case
case H1(keep). apply imp_inv to H2.
apply IH1 to H1 H2 H7 with (G = G), A = (imp A2 A3), B = A2, D1 = D1, D2 = D3.
apply IH to H10 H13 H12 with (G = G), A = A2, B = A3, D1 = D2 n2 n1 n, D2 = ([x] D' n1 n x).
ctxpermute H8 to G, n1:hyp A3, n: hyp (imp A2 A3).
strengthen H5. weaken H2 with (hyp A3).
apply IH1 to H1 H17 H15 with (G = G, n1:hyp A3), A = (imp A2 A3), B = B, D1 = D1, D2 = [x] D4 x n1.
apply IH to H11 H14 H18 with (G = G), A = A3, B = B, D1 = D5 n2 n1 n, D2 = [x] D6 n3 n2 x n.
exists D7 n3 n2 n1 n. search.
%case 2.2: commutative case
apply IH1 to H1 H2 H7 with (G = G), A = (A n2), B = A3 n2, D1 = D1 n2, D2 = [x] D3 n2 x.
ctxpermute H8 to G, n1:hyp (A4 n2), n:hyp (A n2).
strengthen H5. weaken H2 with (hyp (A4 n2)).
apply IH1 to H1 H13 H11 with (G = G, n1:hyp (A4 n2)), A = (A n2), B = (B n2), D1 = (D1 n2), D2 = [x] D4 n2 x n1.
strengthen H4. strengthen H5. strengthen H6.
exists (impL (A3 n2) (A4 n2) (B n2) (D2 n2 n1 n) ([x]D5 n3 n2 x n) n2). search.
%case 3: andR
apply IH1 to H1 H2 H6 with A = A, B = B1, D1 = D1, D2 = D3.
apply IH1 to H1 H2 H7 with A = A, B = B2, D1 = D1, D2 = D4.
strengthen H4. strengthen H5.
exists (andR B1 B2 (D2 n) (D5 n)). search.
%case 4: andL
case H8(keep).
%case 4.1: essential case
case H1(keep). apply and_inv to H2. case H11.
ctxpermute H7 to G, n1:hyp A2, n2:hyp A3, n:hyp (and A2 A3).
assert {G, n1:hyp A2, n2:hyp A3 |- D1 : conc (and A2 A3)}.
strengthen H4. strengthen H5.
weaken H2 with (hyp A2). weaken H16 with (hyp A2). weaken H17 with (hyp A3).
apply IH1 to H1 H15 H14 with (G = G, n1:hyp A2, n2:hyp A3), A = (and A2 A3), B = B, D1 = D1, D2 = [x] D3 x n1 n2.
assert {G |- [x] D4 n2 n1 n : {x: hyp A2} conc A3}.
strengthen H4.
weaken H13 with (hyp A2). search.
%%%%Check this out more for possible naming issue
apply IH to H10 H17 H16 with (G = G, n1:hyp A2), A = A3, B = B, D2 = [x] D5 x n1 n.
apply IH to H9 H12 H18.
exists D7 n3 n2 n1 n. search.
%case 4.2: commutative case
ctxpermute H7 to G, n1:hyp (A3 n3), n2:hyp (A4 n3), n:hyp (A n3).
assert {G, n1:hyp (A3 n3), n2:hyp (A4 n3) |- D1 n3 : conc (A n3)}.
strengthen H4. strengthen H5.
weaken H2 with (hyp (A3 n3)). weaken H11 with (hyp (A3 n3)). weaken H12 with (hyp (A4 n3)).
apply IH1 to H1 H10 H9 with (G = G, n1:hyp (A3 n3), n2:hyp (A4 n3)), A = (A n3), B = (B n3), D1 = (D1 n3), D2 = [x] D3 n3 x n1 n2.
exists (andL (A3 n3) (A4 n3) (B n3) ([x][y] D2 n3 y x n) n3).
strengthen H4. strengthen H5. strengthen H6. search.
%case 5: topR
exists topR. search.
%case 6: init
case H5.
%case 6.1: n
exists D1. search.
%case 6.2: n1 from earlier in context
strengthen H3. exists (init (B n1) n1). search.