

The syntax for terms Canonical LF terms and types follows a similar style to that used by Twelf. Of note are the following structures:

[x] MTerm abstraction
{x:A} BΠ\Pi-type
A -> BΠ\Pi-type without dependencies

The names for variables and constants follow the same conventions as Twelf. Nominal constants are denoted by n1, n2, ...

Context Expressions

Context expressions GG are commonly expressed using the following syntax:

<empty string>Empty context
GammaContext variable
G, n:AExplicit context entry


The syntax for formulas is the following:

forall x y z ..., Fx y z.F\forall x\ \forall y\ \forall z \ldots . F (Universal quantification)
exists x y z ..., Fx y z.F\exists x\ \exists y\ \exists z \ldots . F (Existential quantification)
ctx Gamma1:C1 Gamma2:C2 ..., FΠΓ1:C1 ΠΓ2:C2 .F\Pi \Gamma_1:\mathcal{C_1}\ \Pi \Gamma_2:\mathcal{C_2}\ \ldots. F (Context quantification)
F1 => F2F1F2F_1 \supset F_2 (Implication)
F1 /\ F2F1F2F_1 \land F_2 (Conjunction)
F1 \/ F2F1F2F_1 \lor F_2 (Disjunction)
{ G |- M : A }Atomic formula
pred M1 M2Defined predicate
true\top (true)
false\bot (false)


To use a lemma, prove it as a theorem and then refer to it by name in another proof using the apply tactic. For example,

Theorem my_lemma : ...
Theorem my_theorem : ...
apply my_lemma to H3 H5.


Adelfa’s logic is simply-typed using simple arity typing based on a single base type o and constructor ->. All terms and formulas must be well-typed.

Inductive Restrictions

Inductive restrictions are represented by * (smaller) and @ (equal). They are used to track the size of inductive arguments rather than using explicit numeric values. For example, suppose we apply induction on 1. when trying to prove the following subject reduction theorem,

forall E V T D1 D2, {|- D1 : eval E V} -> {|- D2: of E T} ->
  exists D3, {|- D3: of V T}

We will get the following proof state.

IH : forall E V T D1 D2, {|- D1 : eval E V}* -> {|- D2: of E T} ->
      exists D3, {|- D3: of V T}
forall E V T D1 D2, {|- D1 : eval E V}@ -> {|- D2: of E T} ->
  exists D3, {|- D3: of V T}

Here we have an inductive hypothesis where the inductive argument is flagged with *. This means that we can only apply that hypothesis to an argument which also has the *. Because * means smaller, in order to get an argument with a * we must perform case analysis on an argument that is “equal” which we denote by @. Thus, the above proof proceeds by first doing intros. and then case analysis on {|- D1 : eval E V}@. This will give us two subgoals, one which is trivial and the other which has hypotheses tagged with * and thus eligible for use with the inductive hypothesis.